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Our In-House Services Get You to Market Faster
We want our customer’s products to be the best they can possibly be. PH Molds offers final touches on products before they are delivered to our customers, to ensure they receive exactly what they requested.
PH Molds can complete products manufactured on-site. Our value-added services can provide you with branded and assembled plastic injection molded parts and sub-assemblies for improved quality, increased efficiencies, and overall cost savings.
To assemble consumer products for our customers, the non-molded components required, such as springs and pins, can be sourced from a third party or from the customer.
Enhancing the Value of Your Product
Assembly lines and secondary operations help shorten the supply chain, provide turnkey manufacturing, and reduce lead times and overall cost.
Custom Packaging
If you have special custom packaging specifications, we can help by providing the product packaged according to your requirements.
Pad Printing
Pad Printing provides an economical and reliable method of decorating your products. To provide high quality images, our pad printing room has carbon/VOC and HEPA air filtration as well as temperature and humidity controls. We can take your logo or decorating needs and apply them to your products.
Post-Molding Machining
Post molding machining is required in some circumstances when it provides a less expensive option compared with the molded in feature or extremely tight tolerance are required.
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